Architecture + Interiors

The poetry of the simple, the beauty of what works for you


Invest with us

At AM | Partners we craft real estate developments that stand out for their exclusive design and high profitability. In this section you will find information on how to start creating your investment opportunity with us. You can also take a look at the developments we currently have for sale.


Our services cover all aspects of carrying out an architectural and interior design project from start to finish, from the design phase and site supervision, to the furnishing and lighting proposals, as well as their supply and installation.
Servicios de Ángel Martín Studio
Conoce al equipo de Angel Martin Studio

About us

We do what we are passionate about: design. That’s why we are so proud of the results. We always seek beauty in simplicity, yet every project we do is unique. Our designs combine a passion for minimalist lines, warmth and nobility in the materials, a functionality very focused on the client’s needs and a few touches of local craftsmanship.